Who is Aempresa

Aempresaes Sociedad Limitada is a company with CIF B13844261 and domiciled at c/ Loygorri 24, 46780 Oliva.

Aempresa.es was established with the intention of modernizing and professionalizing the business buying and selling market, which at this time is atomized in many spaces and is offered by people who are not familiar with the complexity of the different processes in this type of operations.

One of the most common processes to acquire a small or medium-sized company was to go to real estate agencies, if not to local intermediaries, that is, people without the specific preparation to give real value to the intermediation operation, licenses, accounts, social forms. , activities, employment information, operation risks, taxes to pay, etc... and to be able to plan the roadmap with which to close the transaction.

It is for this reason that Aempresa.es ensures that its collaborators are professionally dedicated to business advice. We must realize that advisors, consultants, economists and lawyers are the natural and professional channel to deal with, and add value to, this type of intermediation.

All parties involved in the intermediation must accept a strict protocol of action. In it we are going to use the term company or business, not only to refer to commercial companies but to any form of management of an economic activity, which each entrepreneur will have configured according to his or her interests. Sometimes social shares will be transferred, other times only the goodwill will be transferred, in some there will be a real estate asset or transfer of leases, or websites or, in general, any business that can be acquired by another, and that is where one of our greater skills, provide the best viable solution to that transaction.